PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area) est un programme de recherche et d’innovation dans la région méditerranéenne, initié par les pays méditerranéens et prend la forme d’une initiative conforme à l'article 185* du Traité de Fonctionnement de l’UE. L'objectif général de PRIMA est de renforcer la coopération dans le domaine de la recherche et de l'innovation dans les pays méditerranéens afin de développer des solutions innovantes permettant de contribuer aux défis de production alimentaire durable et de sécurité en eau.

Nos projets PRIMA :

  • BIOMEDPACK :Shelf-life Enhancing Packaging Systems for Mediterranean Food through Innovative and CircularSolutions Based on Agri-Food Multi-Product Cascade Biorefinery
  • SAPHIRA : Sustainable Antimicrobial Packaging based on a Healthy Intelligent RenewableApproach
  • SuN4Med : Sustainable and Novel Food Packaging based on Agro-industrial By-productsand Natural Antimicrobials from the Mediterranean Area
  • PLAMINPACK : PLAnt-based antiMIcrobialaNd circular PACKaging for plant products
  • CYCLOLIVE: From waste to resource: ReCYCLing OLIVE oil extraction byproducts for sustainable agricultural ‎practices in the Mediterranean region
  • Funzybio: Fungal and enzymatic degradation of antibiotics : safe reuse of livestock residues for agriculture
  • SALAM-MED: Sustainable Approaches to Land and water Management in Mediterranean Drylands
  • VINEPROTECT: Ecological survey for biological management and protection of Mediterranean vineyards facing climate changes
  • CICLICA : Smart agriCulture optimIzation to CLImateChange Adaptation
  • BIOMEnext : Modelling integrated biodiversity-based next generation Mediterranean farming systems
  • MED-LINKS: Data-enabled Business Models and Market Linkages Enhancing Value Creation and Distribution in Mediterranean Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chains
  • ReCROP: Bioinocula and CROPping systems: an integrated biotechnological approach forimproving crop yield, biodiversity and REsilience of Mediterranean agro-ecosystems
  • INTEL-IRRIS : Intelligent Irrigation System for Low-cost Autonomous Water Control in Small-scale Agriculture
  • IRRIWELL : A novel plant-based approach to estimate irrigation water needs of orchards for an optimal water management
  • IDEWA : Irrigation and Drainage monitoring by remote sensing for Ecosystems and Water resources management
  • NANO4FRESH : Nanomaterials for an environmentally friendly and sustainable handling of perishable products
  • SMACUMED : Smart irrigation cube for sustainable agriculture in the Mediterranean region
  • ALTOS : Managing water resources within Mediterranean agrosystems by accounting for spatial structuresand connectivities.